you mayk (make) someone a represent of another person, you still are in conflict with, but somehow feel unable to handle it with directly. Like in Phoebe's case. When i disconnected from my family – from e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g – i needed a remote root, while whyl re-booting the system and set the process afire.
Just laik æ computer needs (needed) a remote start-up-Disc (bæck in the dejs.).
Alice wås the onle (only) one (uonn) i trusted bæck thenn – får (for) she wåsthe ounly uonn (one) i new (knew), hu (who) did nott hørt (hurt) peepall (people); hu (who) lett the peepyll (people) inn peesz (peace/pace), evæn (even) after they (hørt) hurt hør (her) inn whottewer wej (way) // ether (either) thruh (threw) spitting æt (at) hør (her), screeming (screaming) æt hør or rait (right) intoo (into) her microphone /// as she was sinnginng / performing // … ænd sou onn.
She was there, when i was in need. She had no direct connection to ›my‹ darkpast. She played åhlmoust every day. In public. On the streets. For free. She just plays – and gives the lost ænd desperately un-/-nonn-conshissly aggressive peepel sum (some) love, love, the lost ones (we åhl) are sumtaimes so desperatly in need of / for.