the liberation of the psycho
#1 · #2 · #3 · #4-666 · da terror · gijegga · deahrdiehdai
the more·ning ahftær
the more-ningning-Ahrsch.(Uhr/sc, Arch, Bogen, gen Bo!/Boo!Bu!Buuhh! Schlossgespennst.…)
This is it. The morning after. The morning after breaking free. The morning after overcoming one last big fear by stepping over its shadow – onto the stage and doing my thing. Dancing. Moving. Shaking off. E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
The morning after dancing pretty wild on the dancefloor for hours and hours, not taking care of anything, not taking care of being or moving inappropriate or not – just moving until the guys from the club threw us and those amazing DJanes out.
The morning after hours and hours of flowing and floating in and threw space, losing measure of time. The morning after some people tried to imitate my dance, the morning after one guy returned to me over and over again trying to explain my dance to me, and all the laws of physics behind it … crazy!
The morning of a brand new day, a brand new life.
You wonder why i still look that psycho?
What do you expect one to look like, after bringing all the old stuff up to the surface?
18 years of fear of tyranny, abuse and manipulation – and all that shit, that comes with it: pain, anger, everything…
Could it be, that psycho is the most human of all?