story · imprisonment · ~ness · die eihrste Nacht · faihrbooten · se pinn. · Houmless Kassel™ Khorrouna · (FREE LUNCH SOCIETY)™
When was the last time,
you let one
– or some –
at your place?
If your answer is ›never‹:
What is the worst
that could happen?
Strange belts
resting in your restroom?
When this happend to me, i was unsure:
Should i tell its owner – street musician Flo Slider – that my parents taught me to not like it, when things happily, randomly lie around somewhere on the floor???
Questions over questions … like in every other relationship … pretty ordinary.
The only difference might be, that your new formerly homeless mate with a new home, might drink and smell like beer every now and then.
There is worse (worth!) in life!
Actually, there is nothing ›bad‹ – or even ›worse‹ – in life! It's only life. Happening. Right now. The only thing, that might be ›bad‹ in life, could only be your attitude towards it – your preset – your mindset.
It might still be set on negative.
Hit the switch!
Wouldn't you agree, that it's far better to have a flatmate to share your space with, than to be killed during a car accident because of being egoistic all the time??
A flatmate is fun!
All of a sudden there is someone you can talk to, you can learn from, you can teach some.
Give it a try! Learn something new! It's easy! Leave your comfort zone by inviting someone in :)