Jackson Dyer opened the show with his stories and the Keller was already packed. In the front rows everybody was sitting – pretty tight already. So it kind of felt like a comfy living room concert among many unknown friends.
Then – after a short break – Alice entered the stage and everyone turned quiet. More and more people tried to squeeze their bodies somewhere into those packed first rows.
A friend of mine complained some minutes ago, that much more people would fit into the front if people would just stand up. I told him to tell them, to ask them to stand up. He said, that thiswouldn'tbe his job. Well, i thought, so be it, and continued my path threw the crowd towards the toilet and back.
When i returned, myspot on the floor was taken. Some body just ignored the pretty obvious fact, that i left my black and extra-large-sized sweater highly visible on the floor to mark this as ›my‹ spot.
After looking around for someempty spots between people ifound one: There, kind of third row, could be a chance to squeeze my body in, if i would find a way to fold the long limbs of mine properly. Cool, i thought, that would be even closer to the stage than the spot where my sweater sits with his new friend.
Shortly after folding, unfolding, re-adjusting and folding my legs again, Alice started to release. Songs, words and EP. Everyone was quiet, sitting, listening, highly attentive. Ididn'thear anyone complain about pain in knees, legs, feet or whereever, butiam sure that many of us had quite some pain somewhere, cause we were sitting in a – let's say suboptimal – position for quite some time.
In the middle of the set one of my neighbours placed one of his hands somewhere between my knees. Interesting, i thought, where on this planet does such closeness to strangers happen these days? And where does itfeel that good?
In the middle of the song the thoughtcame to my mind, that it would be a good idea to connect to her mother, who might be somewhere on the other half of the planet right now. We shortly met and hugged about two month ago on one of Alice's concerts down south in Cape Town, so i kind of knew, who to connect to.
So i did concentrate and put all my will and energy into the idea of thinking of, thanking and hugging Alice's mum again, to somehow bring her here as well. As i did, my body started to shake and my fingers were flickering likecrazy. An intense flow of energy rode up and down my body. Hui, ithought, ithink that worked.
When they wanted to start the track, all of a sudden the heaviest, craziest, broken beats came out of the PA in pretty high volume. It sounded like a perfect fit, like the perfect intro to that track. Nobody would have recognized, but due to Ickar's and Alice's reactions we knew, that this was not planned, unexpected. So that entirethingturned into a more and more funny moment.
I couldn't believe my ears, cause the first time they performed that track's new studio-version right here at the Keller, i was a little disappointed. Some of itsoriginal roughness and demonicness (yes, i love to create new worlds) seemed to be gotten lost – somewhere on the way from the streets to the studio.
But – Bähm! – there it was again – in an all new shape – Intense, disruptive sounds, that had the power to make the audience in a club go and scream like crazy.
Alice said, the computer was malfunctioning. I said – without voice – »No, it isnot«. After the microphone sended out quite a nice feedback as well, the song started, and those crazy beats slowly faded out.