The Ten Commandments
AYO · EGOD · The Broekn Book Of The Broken · Manipulation · Man-Made · New Testament · Lord's Prayer · Proverbs 3:5 · John 16:33 · Philipper 4:7 · The Ten Commandments (#5) · The Sheep I · The Sheep II · The α-Sheep · Kain & Abel · Hausordnung des Mittelalters · amen · seven deadly sins · Thze Ten Commandments version 1.2 · Ten Commandments del Pseudo-Socialismo · el-le prophet · Die Beichte · Diner · Kommanndoo 8/2 · Fremmde Kommanndos · Luther-Sprech · Auge um|mu Auge · Uhrsprunng allen Übells · d’ Christall & das Oppferrlamm
The ten commandments are men-made – man-made. And due to the fact, that men are god as well, the ten commandments are made by gods – yet limited gods.
Okay. Let's have a closer look:
› to remember ‹
To ›remember‹ something is a mental process. A process that drags you out of reality into mental area that connects you to a different place. In this case: the past.
If you live in the present, why should you remember something, someone just wrote about two thousand years ago in a far away country? It is obolete, my friends! These were (!) good guidelines. Open your eyes! Consciousness is growing! Just like the universe. Deal with it! Deal with the present! Deal with life! Your life. Deal with yourself! Take responsibility. For every thing you do. No more muddlin' threw!
To ›remember‹ something has not much to do with universal life. Just with unconscious human mind.
› the sabbath day ‹
- Did you ever see the sun taking a day off to rest?
- Did you ever see a bird, taking a day off?
- Did you ever see a river – taking a day off from flowing?
- Did you ever see a plant, a flower, a tree, taking a day off from growing, from blooming?
- Did you ever experience the wind taking a day off? On a regular base?
- Did you ever experience your heart taking a day off from beating?
- Did you ever experience your breath taking a day off?
- Did you ever experience your emotions – sensations – taking a day off?
- Did you ever experience anything – taking a day off? Completely off?
On a regular base?
› to keep sth. ‹
- now *that's* Ego !
- That's the guy, who can't let go
- who can't release
- who is closed-up
- locked
- inside of himself
- who is not open for the new
- who does not want change
- the one how wants everything to stay the very exact way it is
- it was
- the one who is stuck
- in his past
- the one who needs to learn to let go
- the one who needs to die
- Byebye !
› the holy ‹
- Gods creation is told to be holy
- Gods creation is told to be everything – in everything
- If that's te case, everything is holy.
If everything is holy, nothing is holy at all.
yours, sincerely