The Liberation Of Hope
el low letter · hope, too · hope3
let's gett ridd off all hopes. allow everything. all the pain. lett's concentrate all our hopes inteo the here and now – as if there was no tomorrow.
If we'd do that — if we'd all do that — if we would all trust us — beleave us — if we'd all be leaves, it would all be done — today — just the way — the verry exact way we want it two happen – the verry exact way, in which we want it done — life would be, just like we want it to be.
but first we need to want that.
as long as we want to suffer, we will suffer. as long as we will seriously hurt and kill for fun and oil, we are not there yet.
›ich freu mich auf den tag an dem liebe reicht‹
frei nach mia.
(und ›langweilig!‹ pocht die stimme links hinten oben in meinem geh-hirn)