the flags
// Flecks; Flecke? Flecken?
// Corn-Flakes ?
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With its rectangular shapes the flag above looks pretty rough – aggressive – and could also be associated with the Shuriken – a weapon. That's the opposite of what we want here.
Our aim is to find a flag for peace – for unification.
A flag for the unification of all races into one race – human race. A flag to guide the devided world into a united one. A symbol for living and being together – in peace.
To reach that aim is – at least graphicly – pretty easy:
We just have to close/gather/re-unite the open forms. The open forms stand for today's worldwide separation. If we reconnect everything, that's broken/separated – it is done.

1 B

2 A

2 B

3 A

3 B

Let's be honest. That fresh green is just a dream as well. It is a symbol for spring – the new year, the newborn life.
It excludes summer, autumn and winter.
What could be a symbol for the entire year?
The ground, we're walking on; our mother earth, the floor, the base – the earth – sand. And that is … usually … brown …
4 A

4 B

Let's be honest:
It is pretty egoistic, to put us and our planet into the middle of thinking.

to keep it graphicly simple:


Jepp. We know it.
The white flag is used as a symbol for giving in to peace for ages.
The only thing left to complete the flag mission
is the other side of the prism:
Who would have guessed!

This flag also exists already and is – according to wikipedia – in use since German Peasants' War in the 16th century…
Okay, so far to the past.