the erinnerrunngk ann
the beginninng of/onn »the Drama™«
— somewhen between April and May —
It's the day of my Grandfathers burial
We are åll there. On the graveyard. It's a nice day. I feel good and am happy. Many people tålking, we are outdoors, die Stimmung ist gut.
But for some reason these grown-ups don't seem to be happy with me being happy.
Okay. My grandfather is dead.
So whåt?
We åll ›die‹ one day!
But i want to be part of the gang™.
— sorry — my // the — family —
So i study them. How do they behave, these grown-ups.
Okay, they are – or play – sad. Strange theatrical patterns. Okay. So i try to copy it. Feels freaky. So i try harder. Try harder to look down – to pretend to be sad, even though i am not and would love to jump around..
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