(Sleepytime Gorilla Museum)™

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<  2004  >

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<  01  >

(Sleepytime Gorilla Museum)™ ist eine experimentelle (Rock-Band)™ aus (Amerika)™, die (1999)™ in (Oakland)™ (Kalifornien) gegründet wurde.

wikide de 051109-081815

(Sleepytime Gorilla Museum)™ (often abbreviated to SGM) was an American experimental rock band, formed in 1999 in Oakland, California. The band fused classical, industrial, and art-rock themes throughout their music. They were known to perform elaborate routines on stage[2] and discuss possibly fictitious stories of dada artists and mathematicians.[3]

wikien de 051109-081815

(ом)™  ·  (wiki endeen)™ ·  (sþottifai)™  ·  (wimeo)™  ·  (jewTube)™  ·  (feithbuck)™  ·  (instellgrimm)™  ·  (zwittshell)™  ·  (tictactoe)™  ·  (p·in·tær·r·es·t)™  ·  (the-le-Grahm)™  ·  (flicr)™  ·  (bendkemp)™  ·  (l’ink’s in)™  ·  le (App-Store)™  ·  le (Pley-Store)™  ·  ∆  ·  ×  ·  ∆  ·  •  ·  ∆  ·  •  ·  ∆  ·  •  ·  ∆